The Constituency for Tyranny

In futurist movies, the US has often fallen under some kind of tyrannical government — see, for instance, The Handmaid’s Tale.

Americans see themselves as deeply attached to freedom, but polling data consistently reveals a minority with at least some authoritarian inclinations.

A new Pew poll shows that:

  • Only 31% of Americans think that torture is never justified; 42% say that it is often or sometimes justified. Sixty-five percent of Republicans say that torture is often or sometimes justified.
  • Half of all Americans think that government wiretaps of suspected terrorists without court approval is “generally right;” 74% of Republicans say this.

These opinions are based on fear of attack; what more would be deemed allowable in more extreme circumstances?

One thought on “The Constituency for Tyranny”

  1. Yeah, it’s sad how very few Americans value true freedom. When I talk to some of those who are confused like that they tend to lean on some sort of “ominous they” that should be doing things. “They” should make it illegal to do that. “They” shouldn’t let crappy show on TV that pollutes my kids minds. Taking responsibility for their own lives and protecting the things they find valuable somehow eludes them. Instead they want some anonymous government agency to fix all these things for them.

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